Replaceable Core Filter Drier Shells

Top Quality and Most Efficient Products

Replaceable Core Filter Drier Shells Categories

45 BAR

45 BAR

45 BAR

UP TO. 45 Bar Replaceable Core Filter Drier Shells
45 BAR
60 BAR

60 BAR

60 BAR

UP TO. 60 Bar Replaceable Core Filter Drier Shells
60 BAR

Replaceable Core Filter Drier Shells DEFINITION AND FUNCTION

Replaceable Core Filter Drier Shells are designed for large industrial / commercial refrigeration systems. It defers from Filter Driers by having high filtration surface area and replaceable core.

At the hardest conditions, easily replaceable internal structure and apparatus, ESSRCH48 will serve you well. Having plastic internal structure material, during the servicing stage, the unwanted substance can not able to return to the system.

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